National News

Ahsan stresses youth to be an inventor by following vision of Stephen Hawking

Ahsan stresses youth to be an inventor by following vision of Stephen Hawking

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Minister for Interior and Planning Development & Reforms Prof Ahsan Iqbal Monday stressed the youth to be an inventor, researcher in future by following the vision, courage and hard work of renowned (late) scientist Stephen Hawking.
Addressing a conference organized here by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) to pay tributes to the services of Renowned Scientist Stephen Hawking who died last month, the minister said that Prof Stephen despite having disability, work hard and gave the theory of black hole.
He said “we have lack of quality scientists and researchers to compete the world”. The minister underlined the need of critical and analytical thinking approach in education rather than to follow cut & paste system.
He said that curriculum of primary schools was in final process and its up-gradation would be completed in current year adding, after that the new curriculum of higher secondary schools would also be prepared by next year.
The minister also stressed the need for the training of teachers and heads of the schools for better results in education sector.
According to the Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) annual reports of CSS exams, the level of Pakistani students was not satisfactory as they only follow ratta (Rote learning) system which had to be changed, he lamented.
The minister urged the vice chancellors to pay focus on research in universities as it was the only way of development.
“Our students should resolve the puzzles of universe by taking part in innovation research” he remarked.
The government by fulfilling its commitment, would increase the budget of education sector from Rs 35 billion to 50 billion in the upcoming budget, he informed the participants.
He lauded the efforts of Stephen Hawking in the field of science and urged the Muslim world to make strong relation with knowledge as directed by the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Recalling the history of Muslim scientists, the minister said that they were the creator of all modern knowledge’s as they taken help from the Holy Quran.
Earlier, in his opening remarks, Chairman HEC, Dr Mukhtar Ahmad said that Pakistan was a country having resources of energetic youth which would play its due role to resolve the issues facing by the country.
He urged the youth to learn from the successes of the world leaders and scientists and do work hard with dedication.
Later, talking to the media persons the interior minister strongly condemned the brutalities in Occupied Jammun & Kashmir by the Indian forces.
He said that the voice of Kashmiri people could not be suppressed through guns, bullets and force adding, the Indian forces must stop the blood shed of the innocent people.

The worlds should focus on the Kashmir issue and play their role to resolve the long standing issue, he added.

The blood of the people of all religions is precious which should not be wasted, he said.

The Security Council has given the right of self determination to the Kashmiri people who should not be stopped by the Indian forces by using powers, he stressed.

The base of all problems in the region was only due to Kashmir issue, he said adding that it could be more disastrous if India use more powers to shut the voice of people.

Former VC Quaid e Azam University Prof Qasim Jan, Dr Arshad Bhatti COMSATS, Prof Saif Ullah QAU also shed light on the life of Stephen Hawking.

The event was attended by the academicians, students, in the HEC HQ’s as well as in the regional secretariats of HEC through video links.