National News

AJK PM constitutes National Function Committee to commemorate Kashmir Solidarity Day

Raja Muhammad Farooq Haider

AJK PM constitutes National Function Committee to commemorate Kashmir Solidarity Day

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Raja Muhammad Farooq Haider Wednesday constituted National Function Committee to commemorate Kashmir Solidarity Day on January 5 in a befitting manner.
According to a notification issued here, the committee would be headed by Ms Noreen Arif, while members included The members including Education Minister Iftikhar Gilani, Member of Legislative Assembly (MLAs) Dr Mustafa Bashir, Naseema Wani, Secretary Services, Secretary Education Schools, Secretary Kashmir Liberation Cell Commissioner Muzaffarabad, Deputy Commissioner Muzaffarabad, Director Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Cell Raja Sajjad Latif will be Secretary of the Committee.
He said different the committee would organize different functions across Kashmir in connection with Kashmir Solidarity Day.
The main function on January 5 would be held in Muzaffarabad.
He directed AJK departments to commemorate Kashmir Solidarity Day across the valley on January 5 in a befitting manner.
He directed arranging different rallies at district headquarters of the valley. Special functions would be organized in AJK schools and universities.
Meanwhile, Kashmir Liberation Cell would also organize a rally on January 5.