National News

AJK political parties demanded early resolution of Kashmir issue

AJK political parties demanded early resolution of Kashmir issue

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):All political parties of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) pledged to stand affirm with Kashmiris in their struggle for freedom and demanded early resolution of long-standing dispute from the international community according to the United Nations resolutions and aspirations of the Kashmiri people.
The PML-N Member of Legislative Assembly Chaudhry Muhammad Saeed, while talking to APP, said people of AJK condemned the brutalities being committed by Indian occupied forces against innocent Kashmiris who had been struggling for self-determination since separation of sub-continent.
President of Pakistan peoples Party in AJK Chaudhry Lateef Akbar called upon the global community, especially the Muslim Ummah, to stand up and raise its voice for the oppressed people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
He thanked the Pakistan government, army and people on their political and diplomatic support and praised for representing Kashmir case at international level.
Former Prime Minister of AJK, Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan while highlighting the plight of Kashmiris said the miseries of Kashmiris were worsening day by day and added thousands of men, women and children were being killed, tortured by Indian forces.
Abdul Rashid Turabi, ex-ameer of Jammat-e-Islami urged the international community to send fact finding Mission in IoK and gave them right for self-determination as promised in UN resolutions.
He also urged Pakistan to adopt aggressive campaign at international level for the resolution of Kashmir issue.
Arif Abbasi of Pakistan Tahreek-e-Insaf also thanked Pakistan over its support and said February 5, was an evidence of Pakistan support.
He urged the Pakistan media to highlight the plight of Kashmiris on daily basis and convey the message of Indian atrocities being committed in Kashmir to International community.
He condemned frightful human rights violation, extra judicial killing, torture and detention.