National News

Ambassador Aizaz addresses World Affairs Council in Hartford

Ambassador Aizaz addresses World Affairs Council in Hartford

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Pakistan’s ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry Monday addressed the World Affairs Council, Connecticut
at Mark Twain House in Hartford to outline the regional and global challenges confronting the world today .
According to a message received here, the Ambassador called for a global response to overcome
challenges such as terrorism, poverty and climate change.
He narrated Pakistan’s hard-fought successes against militancy and extremism. “A national
consensus had enabled Pakistan security forces to enter the militant hideouts and secure a victory
against them. These successes had come at a tremendous economic and human cost,” he said.
The Ambassador highlighted Pakistan’s impressive economic revival which was driven by
improved security and stability. “New energy projects were expected to come online next year
and help enhance productivity and overcome energy shortfall”, he added.
He said a predominantly youthful population in the years ahead, could benefit Pakistan if
opportunities from the economic growth platform of today were capitalized.

Aizaz hoped that despite the current challenges, ties between Pakistan and the US will be
strengthened in future.
The two countries, he said, had been partners for seven decades with a broad based relationship
encompassing a wide range of areas of cooperation.
The one million strong Pakistani American diaspora serves as a bridge between the two countries,
Ambassador Chaudhry added.
Pakistan remained committed to working together with the United States to bring ties back on track,
the Ambassador said.
Recent exchange of visits by senior officials and at the Foreign Minister and Secretary of State level
were useful efforts to rebuild trust in this important bilateral relationship.
The event was attended by more than 200 people from Hartford and its adjoining areas.

While visiting Hartford, the Ambassador also met members of the Pakistani American community of the area.