National News

Analyst urges global community to help settle long standing Kashmir dispute

Analyst urges global community to help settle long standing Kashmir dispute

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Renowned analyst Dr Hassan Askari Rizvi on Friday said that the international community should take effective and immediate notice of Indian state sponsored terrorism and put pressure on India to stop grave human rights violations in the valley.
Talking to private news channel he said the use of force by Indian occupied forces can further deteriorate the situation and cause threat to the regional peace.
He further suggested Pakistan’s Foreign Office must play a vital role and arrange a detailed briefing to international envoys to Pakistan to highlight Indian atrocities in the Occupied Kashmir.
Indian brutality in Occupied Kashmir is aimed to undermine the indigenous freedom movement that is highly condemnable, he said.
Hurriyet Leader Shameem Shal said, the freedom movement of Kashmiri people cannot be suppressed by force and brutality and this is need of the hour to stand with the Kashmiri people and raise their voice for their right of freedom and self-determination.
The international community and especially the United Nations must play its due role to resolve the Kashmir dispute.
The extreme human rights violation in occupied Kashmir must be strongly condemned snubbed by international community, she said.
She added India cannot achieve its nefarious agenda by suppressing the voice of innocent Kashmiri people.