National News

APHC chairman says UN responsible for bloodshed in IOK

ISLAMABAD, (APP): All Parties Hurriyet Conference Chairman, Syed
Ali Gilani has said that United Nations is responsible for all the miseries
and genocide which India is carrying out in occupied Kashmir.
Syed Ali Gilani in a statement issued in Held Srinagar said that
silence of the World Body had encouraged India to behave so arrogantly and rudely with the innocent human lives in the occupied territory, KMS reported.
“This world institution is responsible for all the miseries and
genocide which India is carrying out in occupied Kashmir because the Jammu and Kashmir issue is one of the oldest pending disputes in the UN,” he said.
The APHC Chairman pointed out that if the UN would have fulfilled its
obligations vis-a-vis Kashmir, there would have been no bloodshed in Jammu and Kashmir.”But unfortunately, this institution has failed to fulfil its
responsibilities for which it was created,” he deplored.