National News

APHC leadership asks India to stop atrocities against Kashmiris

APHC leadership asks India to stop atrocities against Kashmiris

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Leadership of All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) chapter in Pakistan Thursday demanded of the international community to immediately take steps to stop India from committing atrocities against Kashmiris in Occupied Kashmir.
Talking to APP, Altaf Hussain Wani of Jammu and Kashmir National Front said India occupying forces had unleashed a reign of terror for the last 70 years, particularly their oppression had intensified during the 20 years denying Kashmiris their right to self-determination.
He condemned the Indian military’s recent violent crackdown against innocent Kashmiris and said Indian was using different tactics to change the demographics of the Kashmir valley.
Indian forces used brute force and martyred and injured a large of Kashmiri youth with use of indiscriminate live ammunition and pellets guns, he added.
Altaf Wani said the situation had worsened during the tenure of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, adding India had nefarious designs and it imposed draconian laws to suppress voice of the Kashmiris.
He said the silence of the international community was unfortunate, adding United Nations (UN) Secretary General had called for a thorough investigation into the killing of Kashmiri youth by Indian troops but more was needed to be done.
Wani said the world body should itself carry out the probe into the killings of Kashmiri youth and urged the Pakistani government to vigorously take up the issue at the diplomatic level.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani of Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Freedom League said Kashmiris wanted Friends of Kashmir Group of the European Parliament and other countries to actively support the Kashmiris’ undeniable right to choose their own future. An international conference should be held to review the latest situation in the Indian held Kashmir.
He said the Pakistan government should activate its diplomatic missions in foreign capitals to convey the viewpoint and sentiments of Kashmiris living in Occupied Kashmir.
The Kashmiri leadership in Pakistan would organize the public opinion against the cruelty of Indian forces.
Mehmood Ahmed Saghar of Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party said under a plan, the Indian government had been perpetrating violence against the Kashmiri youth to weaken their resolve.
He said Kashmiris were determined to achieve freedom from India and had offered untold sacrifices for decades for their inalienable and fundamental right of self-determination.
He said Kashmiris will hold protests during the visit of Narendra Modi to attend Commonwealth Summit in London from April 16. The Indian authorities were denying Kashmiri leadership in Occupied Kashmir the opportunity to travel abroad and had confiscated their travelling documents, so that they could not meet members of the international community, he added.