National News

APP Multan staffer dies in road accident

MULTAN, (APP): An employee of Associated Press of
Pakistan (APP) Multan, Syed Saadat Ali Shah, who was injured in a
road accident last Tuesday, died at Nishtar Hospital Multan Friday.
The 28-years-old Syed Saadat Ali Shah had boarded a bus from
Vehari last Tuesday to reach Multan. However, the bus collided
with a trailer leaving four persons dead and 22 others injured.
Saadat was among those injured seriously and was referred to Nishtar
Hospital Multan.
His condition deteriorated around 2 am Friday and he succumbed
to injuries around noon.
Saadat is survived by a widow and a two year old minor
His Namaz-e-Janaza will be held at 8 pm Friday night at
mauza Ghulam Shah, Karampur road, near Luddan in district Vehari.