National News

Around 100 Bottled Drinking Water Plants Seized in One Year

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT/APP): Pakistan Standards and Quality Control
Authority (PSQCA), mandated to monitor quality of food items falling
under Compulsory Certifications Mark Scheme, has closed and seized
around 100 Bottled Drinking Water Plants during one year (January to
December, 2016).
The Authority conducts quarterly inspections of various
manufacturing units of bottled drinking water and random sampling is
done both from factory and open market to ascertain quality.
PSQCA, working under Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)
has presently, notified 38 food items including Bottled Drinking
Water, Packaged Milk and Cooking Oil/Ghee, and adopted some measures
to control production and sale of sub-standard Bottled Drinking
Water, Packaged Milk and Cooking Oil/Ghee in the country.
With regard to Bottled Drinking Water, Official sources on
Wednesday said PSQCA has established market surveillance teams which
are working more aggressively to identify and take legal actions
against the unscrupulous manufacturers engaged in filling of sub-
standard Bottled Drinking Water.
The Authority has also filed court cases against different
manufacturers of Bottled Drinking Water.
Answering a question, the sources said PSQCA disseminates
information through newspapers, seminars, trainings to manufactures,
dealers and consumers as well on product certification along with
importance of quality and Pakistan Standards.
The other organization of the MoST is Pakistan Council of
Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) which regularly monitors
bottled/mineral water brands on quarterly basis.
Its findings are disseminated through print and electronic
media and PCRWR website ( for the awareness of
general public. The copies of report are also sent to Provincial
Chief Secretaries and Director General Pakistan Standards and
Quality Control Authorities (PSQCA) for taking appropriate legal
action against sub-standard brands.
Regarding Packaged Liquid Milk, the sources said PSS: 5344-
2016 has recently been included in mandatory list of PSQCA which
puts in place the monitoring mechanism including market
surveillance policy (inspection, testing and certification) for
ensuring compliance of packaged liquid milk including Imported Milk
in accordance with Pakistan Standards and CA Rules, 2011 to ensure
health of people.
The sources said Cooking Oil and Banaspati Ghee also falls
under mandatory list of PSQCA. The quality of the same is also
checked on regular basis from independent laboratories.
PSQCA’s surveillance teams are continuously striving hard to
trace illegal manufacturers of Cooking Oil and Banaspati Ghee, the
sources said and added during last year eight (08) brands were
seized which were engaged in illegal manufacturing.
A mechanism has been devised to conduct consumer awareness
programmes in major super stores of different cities to create
awareness among general public and to promote quality culture.
Mobile Testing Van is also used for on spot testing of edible items
in different markets and Sunday Bazaars etc.