National News

Ayaz Sadiq for collective efforts to counter menace of illicit drug

Ayaz Sadiq for collective efforts to counter menace of illicit drug

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Speaker National Assembly Sardar Ayaz Sadiq has said that illicit drugs is a common challenge and Parliaments and Parliamentarians have a critical role to play in the fight against drugs, through advocacy, drug awareness, legislation, resource allocation as well as oversight of national counter narcotics policies.
According to message received from Moscow, he expressed these views while addressing International Conference of Parliamentarians against Drugs being held from December 3-5t at Moscow, Russian.
The Speaker said that the increasing complex challenge of World Drug Problem continues to negatively affect health, safety, security, socioeconomic development and well being of individuals, families and societies.
He further said that illicit drug is serious threat to the international community and a matter of grave concern for entire world.
The Speaker expressed that according to the recent UNODC statistics, the illicit cultivation of narcotics plants has gone up in difficult regions and globally; Illicit drug markets are expanding and production and manufacturing of drugs remains high and demand for illicit drugs persists.
He said that Pakistan is one of the most affected transit States and the nation has been pursuing a zero-tolerance policy towards illicit drugs.
He said that Pakistan is promoting regional cooperation to counter illicit drugs. He said that as a member of the Commission of Narcotic Drugs, Pakistan reaffirms it unwavering commitment to continue to play an increasingly constructive role in global efforts to counter this menace.
The Speaker said that to address the common challenge of illicit drugs in a sustainable manner, the international community should accelerate efforts to close the gap between the existing political commitments and their implementation and established principle of common and shared responsibility should be brought under sharper focus through enhanced sub-regional, regional and international cooperation.
Sardar Ayaz Sadiq has said that the key to success lies in enhancing political will and forging constructive partnerships at national, regional and global levels. He urged the needs for efforts to strengthen across the entire spectrum of law enforcement, criminal justice, health, education and social development.
The Speaker urged the international community to enhance up efforts to achieve the goals and targets set in 2009.
He said that a loud, clear and collective message should be conveyed from the Forum to the International community that Parliamentarians desired to protect children, youth, women and men from the scourge of illicit drugs and effective implementation of the international drug control conventions and society free of drug abuse.
The Speaker thanked the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Mr. Vyacheslav Viktor-o-Vich Volodin, for his initiatives to for bring the parliamentarians together against the common challenge of illicit drugs.
He also expressed his gratitude to the host authorities for their warm hospitality in beautiful city of Moscow.