National News

Baseless allegations levelled against me: Nawaz Sharif

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Baseless allegations levelled against me: Nawaz Sharif

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):President Pakistan Muslim League(N) Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Tuesday said baseless allegations were levelled against him about business of his family.
Talking to media after attending a NAB court hearing, he said he was facing cases in multiple courts including high court and NAB court.
People can judge the reasons for cases against him as everything is before them, he added.
Maryam Nawaz who accompanied his father, said Imran Khan should be asked who was telling him about the outcome of references against the Sharif family.
Captain (R) Safdar criticised PTI chief Imran Khan for his conduct in politics.
Minister of State for Interior Talal Chaudhry said PMLN faced conspiracies and was singled out by some elements.
He said only those persons would form government which would get vote of the people.
Disrespect of Parliament was insult of the people, he said adding the Parliament should be strengthened.