National News

Beware allergy patients; pollen count rises to 14,176 in capital

ISLAMABAD, (APP): Almost all individuals sensitive to
pollen will experience allergy symptoms in Islamabad as the pollen
count has risen to 14,176 in the last 24 hours, according to
Pakistan Meteorological Department.
Pollen count of paper mulberry has risen very high to 14,074,
while pollen count from Pines was 49, grasses 40 and from Alternaria
was 13.
According to experts, normally observed symptoms of pollen
allergy include sneezing accompanied by a runny or clogged nose,
itching eyes, nose, and throat, watering of eyes, difficulty in
breathing, conjunctivitis – an inflammation of the membrane that
lines the eyelids causing red-rimmed eyes.
Some people with pollen allergy develop asthma, a serious
respiratory condition.
Individuals with pollen allergy should try to avoid
unnecessary exposure to irritants such as dust, insect sprays,
tobacco smoke, fresh tar or paint, use of perfumes, walking in
garden, using carpets on the floor and keeping the window of car
close while travelling.
The symptoms experienced by allergy sufferers vary from
patient to patient and at varying level of pollen and mold
Weather influences allergy symptoms and persons suffering from
allergy often find relief on rainy, cloudy or windless days because
pollen movement is limited during these days.
Hot, dry and windy conditions result in higher pollen and mold
concentrations and increased allergy symptoms.
According to Met Office, Islamabad is among the cities with
the highest pollen counts in the world.
The pollen concentration is more in Islamabad as compared to
other cities because of large number of Paper Mulberry trees.
This tree population is maximum in Islamabad whereas almost
negligible in other cities.
Extremely high concentration of pollen is observed in spring
(March-April) and relatively less pollen concentration in monsoon
Because pollens are microscopic particles they are easily
spread over great distances by wind, and can result in the detection
of pollen which may not be seasonal in the local area.
The pollen grains are the male tiny particles which are
released from trees, weeds, and grasses.
Pollen grains function is to fertilize other parts of plants,
but many never reach their targets and remain suspended in
atmosphere and cause allergy among humans.