National News

Chairman Senate strongly condemns Indian forces brutalities against innocent Kashmiris

Chairman Senate strongly condemns Indian forces brutalities against innocent Kashmiris

ISLAMABAD,(MILLAT ONLINE):Chairman of the Senate of Pakistan Muhammad Sadiq Sajrani has strongly condemned the brutal use of force by India in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK), resulting in ‘Shahadat’ of more than 20 innocent Kashmiris and injuries to more than 200 civilians, yesterday(Sunday).
The figures which sadly continue to mount, Chairman Senate said that India is carrying on the brutal crackdown, especially the use of pellet guns on protestors, including youth and children and the suspension of internet services, in an attempt to subjugate and further repress the innocent Kashmiris.
This mindless killing, he said, reflects the inhuman face of the state-terrorism that India has been perpetrating against the innocent Kashmiris for decades.
In a special message from Madina Munawarah, Saudi Arabia received here Monday, the Chairman Senate emphasized that such cowardly actions of the occupying forces only serve to fortify the resolve of the Kashmiri people.
The brave and resilient people of the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir have demonstrated, again and again, that no amount of repression including incarcerations, torture and extrajudicial killings could deter them from pursuing the inalienable right to self-determination.
Chairman Senate Muhammad Sadiq Sajrani expressed complete solidarity with the people of Jammu & Kashmir and urged the international community to take cognizance of the gross and systematic violations of fundamental human rights taking place in IoK and use its influence to bring an end to the abhorrent culture of impunity that has escalated over the last many years.
The Chairman also called upon the upon the international community to play its rightful role in promoting the just and lasting solution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.