National News

Civil, military leadership put country on road to progress: Interior minister

Civil, military leadership put country on road to progress: Interior minister

PESHAWAR, (MILLAT ONLINE):Federal Minister for Interior, Ahsan Iqbal said here Thursday the country has been put on road to economic progress
and development after significant improvement in the law and order situation owing
to the government’s effective polices and sacrifices of law enforcement
agencies and the role of Frontier Corps in establishment of the Government’s writ in
restive areas was highly commendable.
Addressing the passing out parade of 25th batch
of Frontier Corps KP recruits at FC Training Academy at Warsak, the Interior
Minister said the civil and military leadership have taken unanimous and bold
decisions that proved very fruitful in establishing peace in the country to a
great extent and as such Pakistan was progressing with each passing day and the
confidence of foreign investors were restored after CPEC.
Pakistan, he said, to join the club of 25 most economic developed
nations by year 2025 in the wake of CPEC opportunities gifted by PMLN
Government for people of Pakistan. He said political stability was imperative
for economic progress an development.
Inspector General Frontier Corps North, Major General
Muhammad Wasim Ashraf was present on the occasion.
Speaking on the occasion, the Interior Minister said the
operations being conducted under ‘Radd-ul- Fassad’ against terrorists and their
facilitators would prove a last nail in their coffin.
The Minister said Operation Zarb e Azb had broken back of
terrorists and established the writ of government in FATA.
Operations Radul Fasad and Zarb e Azab and National Action
Plan (NAP) have played key role in elimination of terrorism and establishment
of durable peace in the country, he said, adding Operation Radd ul Fasaad will
continue till elimination of last terrorist in the country.
He said the government would ensure security of lives and
properties of people and no compromise would be made on this issue.
“The capacity of FC has been significantly enhanced under
the National Action Plan that included establishment of new wings in the paramilitary
force and provision of basic training and modern equipments and weaponry.”
Minister said the present govt has equipped
FC with latest technologies and weaponry through a comprehensive reforms
package and make it enable to meet the present day challenges and various
programs were initiated in this regard.
“I am hopeful that the govt’s steps would certainly
enhance the professional competence of FC and the force along with others law enforcement
agencies would continue to play active role in elimination of terrorism and for
establishment peace in the country.”
“You are lucky to become part of a brave force that was
engaged in defending the ideological and territorial borders of the country,
which is a great honour for all of you” he told the passing out recruits.
Minister paid tributes to IGFC for his role in improving professional capabilities of the paramilitary force and the sacrifices offered by FC troops and other security personnel for defence of the country.
“Those FC troops who sacrificed their lives for defense of
the country and protection of people lives are the real heroes of the country,” he said.
“The nation has high expectations from the pass out recruits
who will follow the rich traditions set by the predecessors and will give every
sacrifices for defense and security of the motherland.”
Earlier, the Minister was presented Guard of Honour. The smartly
contingents made an impressive march past received warm applause from
participants. A total of 608 recruits belonging to different areas were passed
out on this occasion. The participants also appreciated the impressive PT and
drill show of the recruits and applauded them.