National News

CM visits Shahdara Hospital, school in Karbath

LAHORE, Mar 25 (APP): Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif
continued the process of surprise visits to hospitals and schools on the second day without any information and protocol for reviewing the provision of educational and medical facilities.
The visits of the Chief Minister are aimed at further improving
facilities for the promotion of quality education in schools and public health in hospitals.
Shehbaz Sharif visited Shahdra Hospital and Govt High School Karbath,
adjacent village to Lahore, for more than four hours and personally reviewed the situation and issued necessary instructions to concerned officials.
The administration was totally ignorant about the visit of the Chief
Minister. During visits of the CM, the traffic was flowing as per routine and was not stopped at any place, rather the vehicle of the CM has also been stopping at traffic signals.
During the visit of Shahdra Hospital, an orphan girl Sana told
the Chief Minister that she had been asked to bring medicines from outside and a “parchi” was with her, upon which, Shehbaz Sharif came to the pharmacy along with the girl and inquired about giving parchi of medicines to the girl.
The CM expressed strong indignation over unsatisfactory reply and
reprimanded the hospital administration. He directed to provide free treatment to orphan girl Sana and also announced financial assistance for her.
Despite arrival of the CM in the morning, MS of the hospital arrived
late when Shehbaz Sharif was inspecting medicines store, upon which, the CM said that some medicines were not being provided to the patients in the hospital but he was now coming to hospital at his own sweet will.
Shehbaz Sharif said that he needed such officers who had the spirit of
service to the people.
He directed DCO Lahore that reviewing facilities in the hospitals
and schools was also his responsibility.
The CM, addressing to the officers present on the occasion, read the