National News

COAS briefing to strengthen democracy, institutions; civil-military relations : Sherry Rehman

COAS briefing to strengthen democracy, institutions; civil-military relations : Sherry Rehman

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Pakisatn Peoples Party leader, Senator Sherry Rehman has said that the briefing of COAS in senate was a historic day for democracy and civil-military relations in Pakistan.

Talking to BBC, she said that everyone was very satisfied with the COAS briefing.

She said this was a very good thing for civil-military relations and the confusion created by the current situation has been cleared.

She said that all Senators presented questions which were answered by the army chief in detail.

The lawmaker further said that the DG ISI had accompanied the General Bajwa and he intelligently interacted wherever there was a need.

She said he felt the discussion was held in a pleasant atmosphere and a lot of things were cleared.

She said the best part about the Senate briefing was that a state institution believes it is answerable to the public’s elected representatives.

She said this was a good precedent in Pakistan, and it will reaffirm the public’s belief in democracy.

She said it will portray Pakistan’s image as a civil society and a democratic country where all leaders of state institutions hold themselves accountable to public representatives.