National News

Committee constituted to review sit-in operation

ISLAMABAD, Nov 27 (APP):Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal on Monday constituted a three-member committee to review sit-in operation at Faizabad.
The committee, led by the Secretary Interior, would analyze whether or not there was any improvement in police capabilities in handling the sit-ins since 2014, a statement issued here said.
The minister, according to a statement, suggested that a special team, comprising 1,000 police officers, should also be formed immediately to deal with protests and sit-ins, and stressed the need for fulfilling all the requirements of Islamabad Police without any delay.
Ahsan Iqbal urged that under the light of Islamabad High Court decision, the practice of sit-ins in the Federal Capital should be stopped in future. “The recent sit-ins tarnished image of the country at international level,” he said.
Terming the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) as a ‘gift of the Century’ to Pakistan, the minister said that the enemies of the country were working against the development of this important project.
He lamented that due to lack of knowledge, some groups were becoming sources of strengthening the agenda of country’s enemies, adding that it was the job of religious scholars to educate the people correctly about the teachings of Islam.
He was of the view that if seeds of hatred were sown, it would destroy coming generations. Hence, he added, the biggest service to religion was to guide the youth towards education and hardwork.”
He said that neither there was any compromise on the belief in the Finality of Prophethood nor could anybody do it.
He said that it was duty of the Ulema to play their role in promoting love and harmony and help eradicate the negative behaviours based on hatred.
He was of the view that the reaction to the killings of people in the name of religion gave birth to anti-religion movements in Europe. “Islam teaches us the lesson of love and brotherhood,” he remarked.