National News

Continued boycott of opposition from NA on Fata reforms unjustified

Continued boycott of opposition from NA on Fata reforms unjustified

PESHAWAR, (MILLAT ONLINE):Politicians here Thursday termed the continued boycott of opposition parties from National
Assembly on the issue of Fata reforms was unjustified after convening of an
important meeting of the parliamentary leaders on Friday.
PML-N Parliamentary leader in KP
Assembly, Sardar Aurangzaib Nalota told APP that there was no justification of the
continued boycott of opposition from proceedings of national assembly after a
high level meeting of the parliamentary leaders was convened by the Prime
Minister on Friday on the issue of Fata reforms.
He said if opposition have any reservations about Fata reforms should have raised it in the above meetings and appropriate forums as boycott was no solution to the problems.
He said the Government wanted to
take along all political parties and tribal leaders on the issue of
Fata reforms and to evolve a broad based consensus at national level before KP-Fata
“ Indeed, there is no justification
of long marches, protests and boycott of opposition on the issue of Fata
reforms following categorical announcement by a Federal Minister to revoke FCR
and extending jurisdiction of Supreme Court and High Court to Fata.”
He said rejected politicians were
making failed attempts to mislead tribal people on issue of Fata reforms,
adding the solid works made by Fata Reforms Committee (FRC) could not be wasted
through negative propaganda against PML-N.
Nalota said time was required to
address the issue of KP-Fata merger, and that no solution of Fata would be durable
sans the support of tribal people.
The PML-N leader said decisions once
taken in haste are often counterproductive, and those decisions made with
consultation of stakeholders are mostly acceptable to masses, he remarked.
“The country was passing through
difficult time and cannot afford such unjustified long marches, boycotts and
agitation on issues that were already settled.”
The creation of Rs 1,000 billion
FATA Development Fund for next 10 years and allocation of three percent from
Federal Divisible Pool amount to about Rs 100 billion would help expedite pace
of economic development of tribal areas.
Rushad Khan MPA said the issue of
Fata reforms including KP-Fata merger would be addressed in parliament rather
than roads and streets and underlined the need of political unity for
achievement of the desired objectives through constitutional means.
He strongly criticized JI long march in Islamabad and maintained that it was nothing but a
political gimmick that would not give any strength to JI in tribal areas.
He urged opposition to refrain from
long marches and concentrate on resolution of the longstanding issues of tribal
people as they had suffered a lot in war against terrorism.
The MPA said solid efforts should
be made for provision of jobs opportunities, quality education and health
services, better communication, roads and clean drinking water facilities to
tribal people.
Khan said time has come that
political differences should be set aside and collective efforts should be made
for implementation of Fata reforms.