National News

Corruption in development schemes unaccpetable: Minister

PESHAWAR, (APP): The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister for Public
Health Engineering Shah Farman said Monday that corruption in development projects was not acceptable and directed the officers of Municipal Administration Town IV Peshawar to ensure quality completion of developmental schemes in PK-10.
He said delay or any sort of corruption in these developmental schemes
would not be tolerated and strict action would be taken against officials found guilty of negligence and corruption.
He issued these directives while presiding over a review meeting of
developmental schemes in PK-10 at TMA Town IV Peshawar today. TMO Town IV Peshawar Waheedullah, Nazim Haroon Sifatullah, Naim Nazim Arbab Kamal Ahmad and other officers of Town IV Peshawar attended the meeting.
The Minister said development funds was a trust of people and every
penny would be used for welfare of the people. He said no compromise would be made over the quality construction of roads, side walls, roads, nullahs etc. He made it clear that zero tolerance would be shown to those found involved in any type of delay or corruption in these developmental schemes.