National News

CPEC, a gateway for prosperous Pakistan: Minister

ISLAMABAD, (APP): Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs
Sheikh Aftab has said that China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project would change fate of Pakistan as well as the whole region.
Talking to a private news channel, he said that it was a vision of Prime Minister, Muhammed Nawaz Sharif to link the whole country through a single road.
He said the main route of the corridor would link Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asian Republics.
He mentioned that Industrial zones would be established across the country which further strengthen economy of Pakistan.
It would also help to overcome energy crisis in the country because a huge amount of money had been allocated for energy sector in the project, he added.
Economist, Dr. Ashfaq Hassan also said that Pakistan was a developing country and CPEC project would play an important role in strengthening of the country’s economy.
To a question, he said that if we wanted to take full advantage with hard work and devotion from the project, then we have to work sincerely.
He said there were two components of the project including transport
infrastructure which would connect Gwadar to Kashghar and energy sector.
Economist said that Pakistan would overcome energy crisis after
implementation of the project and the whole region can get benefits of the
project and even Russia can also get advantage, he added.
He said Pakistan would play a role of gateway in the CPEC project and the neighboring countries would be benefited from it.