National News

CPEC is not against any country but for peace and prosperity: Sartaj Aziz

CPEC is not against any country but for peace and prosperity: Sartaj Aziz

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Deputy Chairman Planning commission, Sartaj Aziz on Wednesday said that China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is vital for the whole region and is not against any country but for the peace and prosperity of all nations around the globe.
He was addressing the session on CPEC during second day of Pakistan Capital investment summit and Expo 2018 held here.
Sartaj Aziz said that CPEC is not just about roads and infrastructure but it is all about people to people connectivity for the brighter future of the world.
“CPEC will transform our country into an economic power that all the Pakistanis wanted,” he added.
While commenting on the economic growth, he said that Pakistan remained stuck at merely 3 per cent growth rate from 2006 onwards for almost 7, 8 years but during last 4 years of current government economic growth witnessed by all and government is eying to achieve 6 per cent growth in current year.
He said that Chinese President Xi’s idea of one belt one road is just a concept to building roads , it connects policies, public and intellectuals.
He said that Pakistan is proud that CPEC is flagship project of OBOR and Pakistan’s CPEC is far ahead of other countries in terms of progress regarding OBOR project.
He mentioned that exports have expanded and China has become the highest export partner for Pakistan. Sartaj Aziz further stated that in the next phase of CPEC implementation, railway infrastructure will be built at greater level. He assured that Pakistan will become a powerful economy by 2030.
During the session, Director General FWO, Lt. Gen. Muhammad Afzal said that Pakistan is not just a bridge between China and sea but realistically Pakistan is to connect the whole world. He stated that all the law enforcement agencies are well geared up to face any challenge in implementing the CPEC.
He said there is no security threat to CPEC. He also offered his fullest support if any investor want to visit Baluchistan for investment.
He mentioned that there are number of opportunities of investment in different sectors like mining, real estate etc.
In other sessions of the summit, outlook and investment potential of energy sector, Creation of value through technology and FDI and challenges, potential and future of wealth management in banking sector were discussed. Key industry leaders and dignitaries from government institutions were among the panelists.
Chief Executive Officer, IGNITE Yusuf Hussain elaborating on the IT industry in Pakistan said that this industry is growing rapidly and today it is worth $3.5 billion and is expected to double in next three years.
The leaders in IT industry were of the view that IT industry has the potential to grow and create a big base for employment generation.