National News

ECP’s countrywide voters’ registration drive continues

ECP’s countrywide voters’ registration drive continues

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has successfully continued its 24-day countrywide voters’ registration campaign by reviewing electoral rolls at district level in all four provinces and FATA.
According to ECP, in first phase after verification process of electoral rolls, 73,60,279 country’s people will be registered as new voters while removing 9,23,947 deceased persons from the voters lists.
It said that after completion of review process, the figure of registered voters is likely to exceed from 10,40,00,000 voters.
It said that out of total 73,60,279 new national identity card holders, the ECP will register 4,072,433 new male voters and 3,287,846 new female voters.
It said that the ECP will register 4,113,595 citizens from Punjab province included 2,211,764 male and 1,901,831 female voters.
It said that total 1454,398 new voters would be registered from Sindh province included 867,219 male and 587,179 female voters while out of total new 452, 143 registrations of new voters in Balochistan, 268,378 male and 183,765 female voters will be registered.
It said that in total 35,852 new voters from federal area, 16,601 male and 19,251 female voters will be registered while in FATA out of total 288,964 new voters, 136,463 male and 152,501 female voters will be registered.
It said that the ECP would register 101,5327 new voters in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa included 572,008 male and 443,319 female voters.
It said that names of those deceased persons would be deleted from the voters’ lists, whose deaths were registered in union councils or NADRA. It added the names of 923,947 deceased persons would be deleted from the voters lists across the country included 634,079 male and 289,868 female voters.
It said that from Punjab as many as 665,795 deceased persons will be deleted from voters list included 454,335 male and 211,460 female while from Sindh out of total 194,189 deceased persons, 132,302 male and 61,887 female voters will be deleted from voters lists.
It said that in total 12078 deceased persons from Balochistan, the names of 9112 male and 2966 female voters will be deleted from the voters lists while from federal area, in total 8227 deceased persons, names of 5314 male and 2903 female will be deleted.
The ECP said that in total 3036 deceased persons from FATA, the names of 2718 male and 342 female voters will be deleted while from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in total 40,608 deceased persons, the names of 30,298 male and 10,310 female voters will be deleted from the voters lists.
It said that in second phase, all electoral rolls will be displayed at allocated display centers of each district for review of citizens besides submitting application for any correction or transfer of votes’ registration.