National News

Family of disabled detainee under PSA being harassedٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍ

Family of disabled detainee under PSA being harassedٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍ

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The wife of Tanveer Ahmad War, a differently-abled person detained under the draconian law, Public Safety Act (PSA), has said that the Indian police conducted a search of their house the other day, simply to harass them.
Ishrat, who is currently staying with her parents in Srinagar in a media interview said, “Putting my disabled husband in jail is not enough for the police as now they have started to harass our family in one way or the other,” KMS reported.
She said the police from Baramulla came to her home and searched all the rooms and even tried to break the lock of her room. “How much do they want to punish us, what wrong we have done to them? First, they put my husband in jail and now they are harassing our family,” she said.
Tanveer Ahmad War has now been shifted from Kot Bhalwal jail in Jammu to Srinagar Central Jail.
“Keeping him in jail without proper treatment has now affected his left arm, which he is not able to move properly. My husband needs treatment but instead of releasing him, the authorities continue to keep him jailed,” Ishrat deplored.
Tanveer’s family has been knocking at every door for help. Ishrat said she herself is a diabetic patient and sometimes falls unconscious for several minutes. “But I have no one to fight this case. Whatever needs to be done, it has to be done by me, and I will do everything to get my husband released,” she pledged.
Tanveer has been detained for participating in anti-India protests in Baramulla. He is behind the bars under a second PSA order after the first one was quashed by the High Court in April.