National News

German CG calls on Governor Balochistan

QUETTA, (APP): German Counsel General based in Karachi, Mr.
Rainer Scheidchen called on Governor Balochistan, Muhammad Khan Achakzai at Governor House and discussed matters of mutual understanding.
Talking to him, Governor Balochistan said that China-Pak Economic
Corridor is part of road belt of China which would trigger trade activities in the region.”CPEC will bring great economical revolution in the region as it would support trade through sea, connecting China and Pakistan with rest
of the world,” he said.
He said that Balochistan has vast reserves of natural resources and it
needed foreign financial aid to utilize them. “The incumbent government has been playing important role to remove backwardness from Balochistan and to put the province on track of development,” he said, adding the law and order situation has been improved.
The German CG told the Governor that German firms wanted to invest in
different sectors in Balochistan. The Governor assured him that the government would extend it fully cooperation in this regard.
Honorary Counsel General of Germany and France, Brig. (retd) Abdul
Razzaq Baloch was present.