National News

Gilani denounces detention of Hurriyet leaders

ISLAMABAD, (APP): Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet Conference,
Syed Ali Gilani, denouncing the continued detention of Hurriyet leaders and
activists has said that India has converted occupied Kashmir into a big jail.
Syed Ali Gilani in a statement issued in Held Srinagar demanded
immediate release of Raja Merajuddin and other Hurriyet leaders, KMS reported.
He said that the decisions were taken by police and other forces in the
territory.He said that there was no justification of the arrest of Raja
Merajuddin, who is himself ailing and his mother is also suffering from
different ailments.
Syed Ali Gilani said that key Hurriyet leaders and activists including
Masarrat Aalam Butt, Amir Hamza Shah, Mir Hafizullah, Abdul Ghani Butt,
Merajuddin Rabbanil, Nasir Abdullah, Asadullah Parray, Hakeem Shaukat
Merajuddin Bangro, Muhammad Amin Parray Zubari Ahmad Turay, Danish Ahmad,
Muhammad Ashraf Mir, Aadil Ahmad Mir, Bilal Ahmad, Tariq Ahmad and Irfan Ahmad had already been detained under Public Safety Act, and were not being released for unknown reasons.
He called upon international human rights organisations to take notice
of illegally detained Kashmiris languishing in different jails of India.