National News

Gilani flays harassment of Kashmiri students in India

ISLAMABAD, (APP): The Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet
Conference, Syed Ali Gilani has condemned the harassment of Kashmiri students studying in different educational institutions in India.
Syed Ali Gilani while talking to media persons at his residence in
Srinagar upon his return from New Delhi said, “Kashmiri students are being
harassed at the behest of communal forces like RSS and Shiv Sena. If anything happens to them, India will be solely responsible,” Kashmir Media Service reported.
He stressed the need for setting up higher education institutions in
Kashmir so that Kashmiri “youth don’t have to move outside for higher
He also advised the Kashmiri students studying at National Institute of
Technology (NIT) in Srinagar to ensure protection of their colleagues from
Indian states, but also urged the non-local students to understand gravity of internationally-recognized disputed nature of Jammu and Kashmir.
“Our religion teaches us that we should not have enmity or hatred
against other people, irrespective of their religion, caste and nationality. I urge our youth to maintain friendly relations with their counterparts from
outside Kashmir. Students must concentrate on their studies,” he maintained.
Syed Ali Gilani, who has been ailing for the past several months, had
gone to New Delhi on February 6 for a medical check-up. However, on March 11, he suffered breathlessness and chest pain and was admitted in the Intensive Care Unit of Max Hospital in New Delhi.
“On my return, police used force, arrested dozens of our activists and
prevented people from reaching Hurriyet headquarters. Since 1947, the forces
have been using oppressive measures to quell aspirations of Kashmiris,” he
About Mufti Sayeed’s daughter Mehbooba Mufti taking oath as puppet
Chief Minister of Kashmir, he said, “Pro-India leaders need to read the writing on the wall. People of Kashmir continue to show unflinching affiliation with the martyrs. People’s participation in funerals of mujahideen in Shopian, Pulwama and other districts is a loud and clear message to India and its puppets that Kashmiris cannot be suppressed by any force.”