National News

Gilani slams IOK authorities for imposing restrictions

Gilani slams IOK authorities for imposing restrictions

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) Chairman, Syed Ali Gilani,in Indian occupied Kashmir, has slammed the puppet administration for imposing restrictions in the territory
According to Kashmir Media Service, Syed Ali Gilani in a statement issued in Srinagar said the public rally supposed to be held at Lal Chowk, Islamabad, was organised to send a message to occupational forces that despite military might they can’t face resistance leadership and people on political turf.
He said, “Their tall claims about freedom of expression stand exposed as they didn’t dare to face pro-freedom leadership and resorted to vandalism, arresting leadership, imposing restrictions and bullying.”
Terming the government’s actions as hooliganism and the worst kind of state terrorism”, Syed Ali Gilani said that war-like situation, curfew and detention of hundreds of Hurriyat leaders, activists and youths to foil peaceful public rally was acceptance of defeat by the rulers and their local agents.
The Hurriyat chairman said the proposed public rally was a peaceful programme and a referendum to send a message to the international community that the basic problem in Kashmir is the illegal and forced military occupation of India.
“It is this military power which India is using to suppress the peaceful and genuine voices of Kashmiri people but the so-called authorities used power and military might and converted the entire Kashmir Valley into a battlefield,” he added.
He said the curbs on movement of people fully exposed the democratic claims of India and authenticated that they lost this battle even before it could have started.
“This is the worst arrogance of power which India and its stooges are displaying in Kashmir, h said, adding “Till the people of Jammu and Kashmir are not given their right to self-determination which has been promised to them by the Indian leadership and the world community, we will pursue our cherished mission,” he vowed.