National News

Global community urged to take notice of Indian atrocities against Kashmiris

Global community urged to take notice of Indian atrocities against Kashmiris

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Parliamentary Secretary for Kashmir Affairs Chaudhary Hamid Hameed has urged global community to take notice of Indian atrocities in Indian Occupied Kashmir and put pressure on India for peaceful resolution of longstanding dispute with accordance to the UN resolutions.
In an interview with Radio Pakistan, he said global powers should redouble their efforts to resolve the long-running Kashmir dispute to ensure durable peace in the region. Terming Indian aggression at the LoC as a threat to peace in the region.
He said that these mean tactics of India could never quell and discourage the spirit of freedom of the population of the bleeding vale of Jammu and Kashmir.
The brutal killings of innocent Kashmiris by Indian forces are not a new thing as India always demonstrates its powers on unarmed civilians in the valley.
Pakistan forcefully highlights the Kashmir issue at international level for ensuring the right of Kashmiris to self-determination, he said.
Since seven decades, the people of Kashmir have whole heartedly devoted their lives for the cause of freedom and acquiring their right to self-determination, he said.
Pakistan was a peace-loving country and wanted cordial relations with regional countries on equal basis, said , adding, Pakistan was showing flexibility just for the cause of peace in the region.
“Peace in India and Pakistan is related to Kashmir and without solving the issue durable peace cannot be achieved,” he mentioned.