National News

Glowing tributes paid to Kashmiri martyred youth

Glowing tributes paid to Kashmiri martyred youth

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Hurriyat leaders and organizations in Indian occupied Kashmir,have paid tributes to the youth recently martyred by Indian troops at Aglar in Pulwama and said that the sacrifices of Kashmiri people will not be allowed to go
According to Kashmir Media Service, the Chairperson of Kashmir Tehreek-e-Khawateen (KTK), Zamruda Habib, in a statement in Srinagar paying homage to the martyred youth said that the Indian agencies were hell bent to suppress the Kashmiri freedom movement through military might.
Expressing solidarity with the families of martyred youth, she said that the Indian government was pushing the Kashmiri people to wall. She said that peace and prosperity in the region would remain elusive, if the lingering Kashmir dispute was not resolved in accordance with the Kashmiris’ aspirations.
Hurriyat leaders Shabbir Ahmed Dar, Muhammad Iqbal Mir, Muhammad Ahsan Untoo, Imtiyaz Ahmed Reshi and Ghulam Nabi war in a statement in Srinagar paying tributes to the martyred youth said that the sacrifices of the Kashmiri martyrs would not be allowed to go waste and their mission would be accomplished at all costs. They said that India would not be able to continue its illegal hold on Jammu and Kashmir for long.
Meanwhile the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) paid rich tributes to Shaheed Shariq Ahmed Bakhshi on his martyrdom anniversary.
The JKLF leaders and activists including Showakat Ahmed Bakhshi, Ghulam Rasool Dar Eidhi, Muhammad Siddeeq Shah, Bashir Ahmed Kashmiri and Showkat Ahmed Dar participated in a condolence meeting held at martyrs’ graveyard in Burzalla in connection with the martyrdom anniversary of Shariq Ahmed Bakhshi and paid rich tributes to him and other martyrs.