National News

Glowing tributes paid to martyred youth IoK

Glowing tributes paid to martyred youth IoK

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Hurriyat leaders and organizations in Indian occupied Kashmir, have paid glowing tributes to Aadil Ahmed Chopan and other Kashmiri youth, who were martyred by Indian troops over the past few days in the territory.
According to Kashmir Media Service, a delegation of Tehreek-e-Mazahmat led by its Chairman, Bilal Sidiqee visited family members of, Adil Chopan in Larnoo, Tral, and expressed solidarity with them.
Addressing the mourners, Bilal Sidiqee said the youths are rendering their precious lives for a sacred cause and their sacrifices would not be allowed go waste. He was accompanied by party leaders Sheikh Musaib, Riyaz Ahmad and Rafiq Ahmad.
Meanwhile, Hurriyat leaders Shabbir Ahmad Dar, Muhammad Iqbal Mir, Muhammad Ahsaan Untoo, Imtiyaz Ahmad Reshi and Ghulam Nabi War in their statement in Srinagar paid glowing tribute to martyr Aadil Ahmad and three others who achieved martyrdom at Kupwara.
They said the huge number of people who attended the funeral procession of the martyrs should serve as eye opener to India that the people of Kashmir are with freedom movement.