National News

Govt launches various development projects for FATA

Govt launches various development projects for FATA

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Ghalib Khan said that Federal Government has launched various development projects in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), most of the schemes would be completed in the tenure of PML-N.
Talking to APP here on Tuesday he said that education and health sector had been developed to much as compare to the previous government.
Ghalib said that the development of FATA is top priority of the Federal Government and soon FATA to be the part of Khyber Pkhtunkhaw.
Ghalib Khan said that war against terrorism would continue till complete elimination of terrorists.
He said that SAFRON has taken notices of illegal collection of Tax from the people FATA.
The present government was committed for merger of FATA in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
The merger of FATA was imperative to provide basic amenities and rights to masses of the area.
He expressed hope that FATA’s merger would be happened in the ongoing tenure of the PML-N government and consensus would be evolved on the matter.