National News

Govt. restores peace in Karachi: President

Govt. restores peace in Karachi: President

KARACHI, (MILLAT ONLINE):President Mamnoon Hussain Saturday said certain astray elements in the past had created lawlessness in Karachi, but with a sound strategy and timely measures, the government fully restored peace in the port city.
He said now Karachi and the country were put on the path of progress and prosperity and nothing could halt this journey. The direction of the country was on the right track and improvement was witnessed with the performance of the government.
The president was expressing his views during a visit to Khatoon-e-Pakistan Girls School established by Madre Millat mohtarma Fatima Jinnah. The president was briefed about the curriculum and educational activities and the contributions made by Zindagi Trust in this regard, said a press release.
On the occasion, Zindagi Trust founder Shahzad Roy, and senior federal and provincial authorities besides, a number of philanthropists were also present.
The president observed that challenges and problems could emerge, but there was no need to worry as the country had been on the path of progress and prosperity.
He noted that human resource development was not possible without extending facilities for spread of literacy. In the past, several sectors including education were neglected whereas the nationalization drive had created different issues.
He observed that private sector in education could play an important role in the promotion of education. He also lauded efforts of Zindagi Trust and Shahzad Roy, saying the private sector could emulate their services in spread of literacy.
He said due to existence of ghost schools, literacy graph had declined in the past, but now the government resolved on a policy to eliminate ghost schools by promoting and facilitating the education sector.
He linked the national prosperity with promotion of female education and maintained that the primary education section should be completely managed by the females. The education ministry had been working on this plan, he added.
The president advised the students to equip themselves with the maximum knowledge in the subjects of their inclination and should not desist from traveling abroad in this connection. But at the same time, they should not blindly follow the alien civilizations as it could create serious social problems.
The president said Karachi was home to philanthropists who contributed largely for the welfare deeds. Due to their contributions, major welfare projects had been completed which deserved accolades.
Later, the president took round of different sections of the school and inquired about the method of imparting education.
He also interacted with students of different classes and advised them to work hard and gain knowledge under an urge to contribute for the progress of country.
He also wrote his expressions in the visitors’ book and distributed gifts among the students.