National News

Govt takes measures to expand tax net: Miftah Ismail

Govt takes

Govt takes measures to expand tax net: Miftah Ismail

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Adviser to Prime Minister on Finance, Economic Affairs and Revenue Miftah Ismail said on Monday that the government is taking several measures for enhancing tax net to increase revenue, with the consultation of all provisional stakeholder.
“The mobilization of domestic resources through reforms in taxation is essential to ensure sustainable financing of development as government would
not depend on foreign loan”, In an interview with private news channel he mentioned.
While appreciating Former Finance Minister Muhammad Ishaq Dar he said , Dar contributed for country’s economic stability and growth.
He assured that in a month “We will take further steps to make our
economy, more strong through tax reforms.”
“We want to facilitate the new tax filers and less tax burden on middle class citizens for balancing tax distribution”, he said.
He further said Pakistan’s government was in recent months stabilized the rupee and tariffs on imported goods to sought for boosting exports to reduce growing balance of payments.
Ismail said the government planned tax reforms to focus on widening the
tax base, simplifying tax structures, and slashing personal tax rates to encourage more people to file returns.
“We have to reduce rates and the prime minister is very eager to
especially reduce rates on individuals,” Ismail said .
Pakistan has a very narrow tax base and successive governments have promised to rein in tax evaders and boost revenues.
“We will probably not go back to the international markets to issue a new bond until the end of next calendar year so it will not be in this fiscal year anymore,” he concluded.