National News

Govt wants to resolve the issues of FATA permanently

Govt wants to resolve the issues of FATA permanently

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Parliamentary Secretary of Finance, Revenue, Economic Affairs, Statistics & Privatization,
Rana Muhammad Afzal said that government wants to permanently resolve the issues of Federally Administrating Tribal Area (FATA).
Talking to media persons here at Parliament House on Tuesday, he said that there are two ways to resolve this issues as the first one is through referendum and the other is by ensuring necessary legislation in this regard.
Rana Afzal said that government wants to build the consensus in the house on FATA issues and also wants to abolish Frontier Crimes Regulations (FCR) to bring FATA in mainstream.
He said that we want the permanent solution of FATA reforms and are not in any haste.