National News

Hearts of Pakistanis & Kashmiris throb in unison: Barjees

Hearts of Pakistanis & Kashmiris throb in unison: Barjees

ATTOCK, (MILLAT ONLINE)::Federal Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, Sheikh Aftab Ahmad
Monday said that Kashmir Day was observed to give a loud and clear message to
the world that the hearts of Pakistanis and Kashmiri throbbed to-gather.
Talking to APP, Sheikh Aftab said that if referendum could be held in East Timor and Sudan
then why plebiscite could not be held in Indian held Kashmir. He urged
the UN to implement its resolutions for the solution of Kashmir dispute
as per the aspirations of Kashmiri people.
Federal Minister said that Pakistan respected all the resolutions
passed by United Nations, adding that Pakistan would continue its political ,
moral and diplomatic support to Kashmiris for their right to self
He said, Pakistan wanted the resolution of Kashmir issue through
composite dialogue as because of this South Asia has become flash point and peace
in south Asia was not possible without the solution of Kashmir issue.
He urged that international community to play its role in
settling this issue.