National News

HR bodies urged to help protect rights abuses in IOK

HR bodies urged to help protect rights abuses in IOK

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The former conveners of All Parties Hurriyat Conference-AJK chapter, Mehmood Ahmed Saghar and Syed Faiz Naqshbandi have expressed concern over situation in occupied Kashmir.
Mehmood Saghar in a statement issued in Islamabad said, “I decry the killing of innocent civilians by Indian forces in Kashmir and urge the world leaders and human rights organisations to redouble their efforts for the promotion and protection of basic human rights in Kashmir,” KMS reported.
“Killing spree and pellet horrors in the UN disputed territory continue to haunt Kashmiris who have been left at the mercy of forces. The hellish situation in the region should serve as an eye opener for the international community. Killing of Misra Begum, Tahira and Asif Iqbal by Indian forces bear testimony to the fact that they do not believe in protection and promotion of human rights”, he added.
Terming the killing of civilians as a part of New Delhi’s systematic campaign to instill fear and trepidation into the society, Saghar said, “It was quite strange that these ruthless killings were shamelessly being daubed as the cases of mistaken identity, stray bullet or cross firing.”
Syed Faiz Naqash Bandi while strongly condemning the detention of Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Syed Ali Gilani and curbing their political and social activities urged international human rights bodies including UNHRC to take notice of lawless law in Kashmir.