National News

ICRP seals 23 stone crushing units

ICRP seals 23 stone crushing units

HARIPUR, (MILLAT ONLINE)::Industry Consumer Rights Protection (ICRP) on Wednesday sealed 23 illegal
stone crushing units here in the district following the orders of Supreme
Court of Pakistan.
ICRP officer Zafar Mashwani while talking to APP
said that Chief Secretary had ordered to shut
down all stone crushing units established within the one-mile radius of
residential areas.
Zafar maintained that we have closed and sealed 23
stone crushing plants in Sarai Saleh, Baldher and Chappar area of
Haripur adding that operation against all illegal units having no license from
Environmental Protection Agency and situated near residential areas, would
ICRP has started a massive drive against illegal stone
crushing units in Hazara division as last week they sealed 42 units across
Abbottabad those were omitting pollution and having no license from