National News

India not yet stamped visas of 500 Pakistani Zaireen of Ajmir Sharif: Religious Ministry

India not yet stamped visas of 500 Pakistani Zaireen of Ajmir Sharif: Religious Ministry

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):India has not yet stamped visas of the intending Pakistani participants of the Urs being held in Ajmir Sharif, India from March 19 to 29, Spokesman of Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony.
In a statement, he said every year 500 Pakistanis go to attend the Urs of Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri in India. This year Pakistani Zaireen are set to leave India on Sunday, but India is using delaying tactics in issuing the visas. Government is in close contact of India and trying to settle the issue.
He asked Zaireen do not leave India without permission of the Ministry. Zaireen of both India and Pakistan visit their sacred religious places situated in each other’s countries as per agreement of 1974.