National News

`India raking up terrorism to push Kashmir on back burner’

ISLAMABAD, (APP): Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet Conference,
Syed Ali Gilani, has said that India is trying to create a false impression of terrorism to divert Pakistan’s attention from the Kashmir dispute and push it on the back burner.
The APHC in a statement issued in Srinagar said that Syed Ali Gilani
asked Abdul Basit that Pakistan should send a clear message to India that the real and core issue between the two countries was the Kashmir dispute and until it was resolved in accordance with the Kashmiris’ aspirations, the
peace, development and the prosperity in this region would remain a distant
dream, reported KMS.
“Abdul Basit assured the pro-freedom leader that his country will not
show any flexibility in its principle stand on the Kashmir dispute and that
Islamabad will put in its best efforts for its dignified resolution,” the
statement said.
It maintained that Syed Ali Gilani was accompanied by Ghulam Nabhi
“Deputy High Commissioner of Pakistan in New Delhi Abdullah Nizamani
was also present in the meeting,” the statement added.