National News

India suppressing freedom struggle through force: Mirwaiz

India suppressing freedom struggle through force: Mirwaiz

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Hurriyat forum Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq has said that India is suppressing the Kashmiris’ freedom struggle through military might.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq addressing Seerat conference organised by the Awami Action Committee in Srinagar termed the prevailing situation in Kashmir as fragile and sensitive.
He said that Kashmir continued to witness unabated human rights violations in the form of killing of innocent people and harassment, torture, maiming and blinding of youth. He said, “New Delhi continues with its old rhetoric of muzzling the genuine voices of Kashmiris but has failed to do so as the freedom sentiment runs deep in the minds and hearts of all Kashmiris.”
Mirwaiz also took a dig at some elements, hell bent on creating a sectarian divide in Kashmir. He said such designs are destined to fail because Kashmir is a vibrant and intelligent society now.
Speaking on the occasion, the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik, said that the unity among the Hurriyat leadership is like a bone stuck in Delhi’s throat and all efforts are being made to break it. “Unity was forged in the larger interest of the people of Kashmir and today we take a pledge that this unity won’t be allowed to weaken, let alone broken. Those trying to break it will face stiff resistance,” he said.
Prominent religious scholars, pro-freedom leaders and civil society activists shed light on the life of great Prophet (SAW). The speakers include Maulana Abbas Ansari, Muhammad Yasin Malik, Maulana Showkat Hussain Keng, Nazir Ahmed Rana, Rafiq Ahmed Owasi, Maulana Khursheed Ahmed Qanoongo, Maulana Ali Akbar, Muhammad Nayeem and prominent Naatkhan Shabbir Ahmed.