National News

Indian Army Chief’s remarks alarming, says Aasiya Andrabi

Indian Army Chief’s remarks alarming, says Aasiya Andrabi

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Dukhtaran-e-Millat (DeM) Chairperson, Aasiya Andrabi has denounced the recent statement of Indian Army chief Gen Bipin Rawat where he had said that government is looking at ways to bring madrasas in Kashmir under control as ‘they are incorrectly informing students and spreading disinformation.’
According to Kashmir Media Service, Aasiya Andrabi in a statement issued in Srinagar termed Rawat’s remarks as alarming, and said it bears testimony to the fact that Jammu and Kashmir is directly run by Rasthriya Swayam Sevak Sangh (RSS) with the help of Indian Army.
“It is being said that civil administration is running the affairs in Jammu and Kashmir. But it is against the reality. The RSS with the help of Indian army is actually framing the policies on Kashmir,” she said. Andrabi said RSS fears that if the real history of Kashmir is taught to students in Kashmir, it will unmask the truth of India and its policies will be exposed.
The DeM chief said New Delhi is trying hard to replace the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) with Central (Indian) Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) because CBSE teaches the distorted history of Kashmir and even India and the subcontinent. “This is exactly what Rawat hinted to,” Aasiya said. “Therefore, it is evident that the present regime led by Mehbooba Mufti is puppet and is handled by RSS and its army.”
“If, they succeed in their policies, the identity of the people of Jammu and Kashmir will be at stake. It is a direct assault on our identity and culture. They want to destroy the both,” she said. “Therefore, we have to launch a pro-active movement in this regard and make the general public understand the designs of the occupation and educate them as to how India is using these tools to continue its illegal and forcible occupation.”
Aasiya Andrabi also ridiculed the statement of puppet chief minister Mehbooba Mufti wherein she had said that the history could not be changed and rather a new history has to be rewritten. “We want to ask Mehbooba that India itself was under occupation of Britain and had become its colony?”
“It is not possible for India to continue to hold us at the barrel of gun for long. We will change the history, Insha Allah and rewrite the history,” the Dukhtaran chief said. “To counter the dirty (RSS) designs is the responsibility of all including intelligentsia, teachers, students, civil society, journalists and academia. We have to devise a strategy and respond to them in their own tone.”