National News

Indian forces harassing us, complain relatives of Mushtaq Zargar

Indian forces harassing us, complain relatives of Mushtaq Zargar

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The family members of liberation leader, Mushtaq Ahmad Zargar in Indian occupied Kashmir, have said that they are being harassed by Indian forces.
According to Kashmir media service, a delegation of Zargar family, most of them close relatives of Mushtaq Zargar, informed media in Srinagar about the harassment by the forces.
“Mushtaq has been at the fore-front of the ongoing movement, but his family and relatives are being punished for his ideology. We are being subjected to political vendetta” said one of the relatives of Mushtaq.
He said the family members including Mushtaq’s elder brothers Fayaz Ahmed Zargar and Zahoor Ahmed Zargar were persecuted and subjected to extreme torture. “Authorities crossed all limits as they even caged and detained our youngsters including nephew and niece,” he said.
Another relative, wishing not to be named fearing reprisal, said the frequent raids and detentions made us to bear the brunt of authorities. “Since Mushtaq left home, we lost every contact with him and don’t know his whereabouts. But we are being punished for no reason,” he said.