National News

Indian forces killing innocent civilians by design: Leaders

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE/APP): The entire Hurriyet leadership
including Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Mohammad Yasin
Malik has condemned the killing of innocent civilians including
Zahid Rasheed, Saqib Ahmad and Ishfaq Ahmad by Indian forces in
Chadoora area of Badgam district.
Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Mohammad Yasin
Malik in a joint statement issued in Srinagar said that Indian
forces in pursuit of the policy statement of Indian Army Chief,
General Bipin Rawat, were carrying out brutalities against
civilians in the territory, KMS reported.
They said that the incidents of innocent civilian killings
have increased after General Rawat had warned that people holding
protests during army operations would be considered as colleagues
of freedom-fighters and would be dealt with strictly.
The leaders said that under a well-thought design, Indian
Army, police and paramilitary personnel were killing the
civilians. They warned of mass agitation in case killings were not
stopped. “Our young sons are being killed with impunity but no one
among international community seems to bother,” they deplored.
APHC general Secretary and the Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir
Democratic Freedom Party, Shabbir Ahmad Shah in a statement said,
“The forces without any provocation opened fire on peaceful
Senior APHC leader and the Jammu and Kashmir Anjuman Sharie
Shian President, Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi Al-Safvi, in his
statement while paying rich tributes to martyred civilians said
that trigger-happy Indian forces had become habitual of targeting
innocent people in Kashmir.
The Dukhtaran-e-Millat Chairperson Aasiya Andrabi said, “The
Kashmiris should hold protests to highlight the brutalities they
are facing at the hands of Indian forces.”
APHC leader and the Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir National
Front, Nayeem Ahmad Khan, in a statement said, “The so-called
rulers have given the forces a license to kill the Kashmiri
They said that Indian forces were showering bullets, pellets
and grenade shells on the peaceful protestors who were raising
voice for right to self-determination.
They appealed to the world community to take notice of the
killing of unarmed civilians by Indian forces in occupied Kashmir.