National News

Indian oppression cannot force Kashmiris into submission: Yasin Malik

Indian oppression cannot force Kashmiris into submission: Yasin Malik

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Illegally detained Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, Muhammad Yasin Malik, has said that by pushing the Kashmiris to the wall, the so-called rulers are forcing them to launch another mass agitation.
According to Kashmir Media Service Muhammad Yasin Malik in a statement issued in held Srinagar said, the Indian oppression against the Kashmiri youth and continued genocide cannot intimidate the Kashmiris into submission.
“The shameless ruling regime led by PDP which after ordering the massacres is seen shedding crocodile tears and some (PDP) members are asking Kashmiris to fear Indian army and save their lives. These people have sold their faith, conscience and everything for a fragile chair,” he said.
“Kashmiri resistance is based on truth and Indian oppression is based on falsehood and hence inevitable to perish and vanish,” he added.