National News

Indian troops cannot supress Kashmiris’ struggle: Senator

Indian troops cannot supress Kashmiris’ struggle: Senator

LAHORE, (MILLAT ONLINE):President, Centre for Pakistan and
Gulf Studies (CPGS) and Senator Sehar Kamran on Friday said that
India could not suppress the Kasmiris’ spirit for independence
even by deploying 1,700,000 troops in occupied Kashmir.
She said that once again India was attempting to create’
smokescreen of a dialogue’ with the Kashmiri Hurriat leaders
without taking all stakeholders on board.
Talking to APP senator Sehar Kamran said despite brutal
atrocities by Indian troops indigenous struggle for the right
of self-determination by Kashmiris has continued for more than
70 years.
“Despite deployment of unprecedented number of Indian troops
and agencies and using every weapon to destroy the Kashmiri spirit,
India has failed in the face of bravery and unbending resolve of
courageous Kashmiris”.
To a question, she said that continued violations of Line of
Control were blatant example of India’s diversionary tactics.
She said the people of Pakistan stand firmly with their
Kashmiri brothers and sisters, adding Pakistan will not turn a
blind eye to growing Indian atrocities.
“Like all Pakistanis, the issue of Kashmir is very close to
my heart, and I have been raising it at all available forums. In
2016, I wrote to the (now former) UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon,
asking him to take notice of the atrocious Indian move”, she added.
To another question Sehar said that undoubtedly all roads to
peace in South Asia pass through Kashmir. The resolution of the
Kashmir dispute is only possible by implementing UNSC resolutions
in true letter and spirit, thereby enabling the people of IOK to
get their right of self-determination through a fair and free
plebiscite, she stressed.