National News

Int’l Mother Earth Day to be observed on April 22

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE/APP): Pakistan and the rest of the World
will observe International Mother Earth day on Saturday (April 22)
to raise awareness of the challenges to the well-being of the
A report aired by a private news channel said, the theme for
2017 is “Environmental & Climate Literacy.”
International Mother Earth Day was established in 2009, by
the General Assembly under Resolution A/RES/63/278. The Resolution
was introduced by The Plurinational State of Bolivia and endorsed
by over 50 member states.
It recognizes that “the Earth and its ecosystems are our
home” and that “it is necessary to promote harmony with nature and
the Earth.
It also aims to raise awareness that humans have a
collective responsibility to promote harmony with nature and to
balance the economic, social and environmental needs of present
and future generations.