National News

IOK HCBA welcomes Pakistani resolution at UNGA

IOK HCBA welcomes Pakistani resolution at UNGA

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):High Court Bar Association, in Indian occupied Kashmir, has welcomed the resolution, introduced by Pakistan and 75 other countries for resolution of Kashmir dispute in the United Nations General Assembly.
According to Kashmir Media Service, HCBA spokesman in a statement issued in Srinagar said, “The Bar Association maintains that the principle of self-determination has been recognized to mean that all people have a right to determine freely their own socio-political and economic circumstance.”
The Bar said the Article I of the Resolution on the definition of aggression, suggests that the use of force to realize these goals is permissible,” he added.
“The universal realization for the right to self-determination of people is a fundamental condition, for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights,” the spokesman added.