National News

IOK people urged to stay away from election drama

IOK people urged

IOK people urged to stay away from election drama

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Jammu and Kashmir Tehreek-e-Hurriyat (TeH) leaders and activists in Indian Occupied Kashmir have urged the people to boycott the upcoming panchayat elections in the territory.
According to Kahsmir Media Service, TeH leaders addressing public gatherings in different areas of the occupied territory said, those killing and subjecting innocents to atrocities don’t deserve vote and support as they are hand in glow with killer Indian forces.
“We are duty-bound to safeguard the sacrifices and participation in elections is tantamount to treason with the blood of martyrs,” they said.
TeH leaders including Muhammad Ashraf Laya, Mukhtar Ahmed Sofi, Syed Imtiyaz Haider, Ishfaq Ahmed Khan, Rameez Raja, Muhammad Rafiq Owasi, Bashir Ahmed Qureshi, Merajuddin Rabbani and Mudasir Ahmed Butt addressed the gatherings in Srinagar, Islamabad, Zainakot and Khimber areas of the territory
Lashing out at the hypocritical approach of Indian authorities for their double standard, the TeH leaders said, “They are raising hue and cry over a convicted prisoner in Pakistan while their behaviour is more callous and inhuman with those languishing in Indian jails on fake charges.”
They appealed to the Amnesty International, Asia Watch and other world human rights organisations to take cognizance of the plight of the illegally detained Kashmiris and use their influence for their release.