National News

Islam being religion of peace has no room for violence: Imam e Kaba

NOWSHERA, (MILLAT ONLINE/APP): Imam e Kaba (Grand Holy Mosque of Makkah),
Sheikh Saleh Bin Muhammad Bin Ibrahim here Friday declared that Islam is
the religion of peace and fraternity and strictly prohibits violence in
the society.
Delivering the Friday sermon (Jumma prayer) to a mammoth gathering of
people and workers of JUIF on occasion of three days Jamait Ulema Islam Centennial Celebrations here at Azakhel Nowshera district here as Chief Guest, the Imam Kaba said there was no place for chaos and violence in Islam.
Our religion gives the message of peace, love, brotherhood and harmony,
he reiterated. The Imam e Kaba said that success in world and life hereafter lie in strict obedience of teachings of Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in its true spirit.
The elements that instigated violence and disharmony in the name of
Islam are in fact those who created anarchy and chaos among people for their ulterior motives. He said these elements are responsible for spreading hatred among people in shape of sectarianism, disharmony and intolerance.
He made it clear that Islam has nothing to do with violence and
extremism. “Islam is what Quran and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Sunnah stand for, it is not what extremist elements claims.”
The Imam e Kaba urged people to get unit under the banner of Islam and
follow teachings of Quran and Sunnah so that you can remain integrated and not divided in different sects.
In this reference, he also recited Quran’s verse which means “to
strictly hold the rope of Allah Almighty and not involve in differences.”
“Those Muslims who are most pious and devoted to Islam are most nearer
to Allah Almighty,” he elaborated.
The Imam e Kaba also stressed upon Ulema e Karam and religious scholars
to play their effective role in forming unity among Muslims by delivering true message of the love, peace and harmony as enshrined in Islam.
He said Ulema are the real custodians of Islam and they can play very
effective role in promotion of tolerance, brotherhood and mutual co-existence among people.
Islam lays great onus on religious scholars to portray real teachings of
Islam and to guide people for spending a meaningful life based on teachings of Quran and Sunnah, he said. He said every challenge the Ummah face today can be overcome through unity among our ranks.
Imam e Kaba offered special prayers for unity of Muslim Ummah, supremacy
of Islam, progress, peace and development of Pakistan, righteous for people, cure for patients, eradication of poverty and illiteracy in people.
Later, Imam e Kaba Sheikh Seleh Bin Muhammad Ibrahim led Friday prayer
offered by hundreds of thousands of faithful.
Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Yousaf, Federal
Minister for Housing Akram Khan Durani, Deputy Chairman Senate Abdul Ghafoor Haideri and delegates from JUI Hind Maulana Asad Madani, JUIF central and provincial leaders and delegates from Pakistan, Middle East, and others countries also attended the prayers.
The gathering was also addressed by JUIF Central Ameer Maulana Fazl ur
Rehaman and Saudi Religious Affairs Minister Seleh Bin Abdul Aziz Al- Sheikh.