National News

Kashmiris left at the mercy of Indian forces: Mirwaiz

Kashmiris left at the mercy of Indian forces: Mirwaiz

ISLAMABAD,(MILLAT ONLINE):The Chairman of Hurriyat forum, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq in Indian Occupied Kashmir while referring to the Shopian killings has said that the situation in Kashmir is extremely grim and fast deteriorating as more than thirteen civilians have been brutally killed by the Indian forces in just past few weeks.
According to Kashmir Media Service , Mirwaiz Umar Farooq in a statement in Srinagar said, “These forces enjoy complete immunity from any accountability or legal prosecution under the cover of the draconian law Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA). Most of the killings took place in Shopian district where around eight civilians including a 17-year-old-girl Saima Wani were killed.”
“Even lactating mothers have not been spared, two young mothers of infants were gunned down by the forces,” the Mirwaiz said, adding that rampant killing of Kashmiris was becoming order of the day in the occupied territory.
The Mirwaiz lamented that as no responsibility was fixed for these killings and there was no accountability, the highly worrisome reality was that the lives of the people of Kashmir were perpetually at greater risk as they were at the mercy of Indian forces.
The Hurriyat forum Chairman said unless the draconian law AFSPA is abolished, the killing of Kashmiris will continue and “we will keep losing our young and old men and women”.
The Mirwaiz urged the world human rights organizations to take cognizance of the extremely grave human rights situation in the Valley and highlight it at the global level.
He said the silence of the Indian rights activists, humanists, print media, writers and columnists at the rising graph of gruesome killings in Kashmir is extremely sad and discouraging.